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The Passover Papers by Paul R. Finch
About the Publisher
B-F Enterprises is a new publishing company, which was formed specifically to publish the book titled "Last call?".  However, it is also devoted to publishing other books like "The Passover Papers".
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B-F Enterprises, Inc.
PO Box 240997
Apple Valley, MN 55124-0997

(612) 715-9241
As indicated above in addition to "The Passover Papers", B-F Enterprises is also offering the book: "Last call?".  Information about "Last call?",  is available at:
The Passover Papers is a good old fashioned Bible study, Determining the correct date and time of the Passover sacrifice, the Wednesday Crucifixion theory, the Saturday Resurrection theory, the meaning of various Hebrew terms involved, how the Bible originally counted days, The Old Testament Passover–A Study of its Time Element, The Passover Papers, Paul R. Finch, Paul Finch, Mr. Paul R. Finch, Worldwide Church of God, Christianity, Christian Book, The book The Passover Papers was published by B-F Enterprises, B-F Enterprises, Passover, Passover Study, Study the Passover, Study the timing of the Passover events, A good Christian study book is titled The Passover Papers, Potentially the best Christian book written by Mr. Paul R. Finch is titled The Passover Papers, The Christian book titled The Passover Papers, Author Paul R. Finch’s best book is titled The Passover Papers, Books published by B-F Enterprises, The Passover Papers, A good book is titled The Passover Papers, Buy a great Christian Book The Passover Papers, Order the Christian book titled "The Passover Papers", About the book The Passover Papers, Author Mr. Paul R. Finch, author of The Passover Papers, About B-F Enterprises the publisher of the book The Passover Papers, Do not miss purchasing the book "The Passover Papers", You purchased the Christian book "The Passover Papers",
Second Edition
Awaiting the return of Christ, who answered everything on the cross!!
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